Our Community & Culture


Community Connections

St Peter’s values the partnerships between students, families, businesses and schools in our broader community as it can bring mutual benefits and maximise student engagement and achievement.

Family Connect - the Remote Family Connect Service supports us. The FCIS Program provides an early intervention response to the needs of families, children, and young people. They can provide a case coordination approach to supporting families by linking them to the support and services they need.

Community Events

We organise school events and take part in community events that provide opportunities to showcase students’ talents, raise awareness for local issues or concerns, and extend social networks. These events can help to create a more cohesive community. 

At St Peter’s, we encourage your family to share these experiences with your child.

Our School Houses

Students belong to three house teams that promote connections to our Catholic story and a deeper sense of belonging.  Houses are used for sporting events, assemblies and gatherings.

Port Macquarie is renowned for its beautiful beaches, and each House is named after a local beach.

Lighthouse - Red

Shelley - Yellow

Flynn - Green

Our School Patron

St Peter is the Patron Saint of our school and is referred to as the leader or 'rock' of the Church.

We are lucky to have St Peter as our Patron Saint. In scripture, Peter appears as an open-hearted, very human person who makes mistakes, admits them and learns from them. He is a leader, a community builder, and a man of faith, trust and love.