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- MacKillop - Year 7 Enrolment 2026
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The SRC’s out-of-uniform day on Tuesday to support those affected by the recent cyclone raised $700 for the St Vincent de Paul NSW Disaster Appeal! Thank you to our St Peter’s community for your generous donations and our SRC for organising the initiative.
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them" Hebrews 6:10
This week was a busy one for our Mission Team and Parish. With three evenings for our Parish to gather for the Sacrament of Reconciliation for our children, we are grateful for all of our school staff preparing and supporting our students. We are very proud of how our students prepared and participated in the ceremonies. Congratulations to all students and their families.
It was so lovely to see so many of our choir students attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation night on Tuesday night to support with music. The girls sang so beautifully and were very reverent during the reflection time. We have some very dedicated choir members and families who also made the effort of coming for more than one ceremony, and several of our Year 5 students sang solo parts of our final hymn. We look forward to seeing you at our Parish Mass on Sunday 6th April at 5.00pm, where we will lead all of the ministries. All are welcome!
A Compass Event has been sent to families to acknowledge,
If you would like Pre Pay $6.00 and consent.
The first Parent Community Group will be held at the same time as the student disco on Wednesday 2nd April. Parents can drop their children off to the disco and stay onsite in the staffroom to:
- enjoy a drink and nibbles
- provide feedback on some topics the school is seeking parent voice on (topics tbc on the night)
- hear a talk from MacKillop Principal, Cath Eichman about ‘Healthy Tech Use before Highschool’. Cath daily witnesses, the impact technology has on teens and strongly advocates that the Primary school years are the time to set up healthy tech use boundaries for our children. This talk will be repeated during both disco sessions and is not to be missed!
Today, Stage 1 came together with our family and friends for our first Celebration of the Word for 2025. We listened to Father Alejo talk about why belonging is important, and how we not only belong to our own families and our school family but that we are all invited to be part of God’s family. Thank you to our visitors who were able to join us in worship and to Fr Alejo for leading us in celebration.
Parents and friends of students in Year 3 are invited to join us next Friday for our Year 3 Celebration of the Word, in the shared chapel at 10.00am.
All of Year 4 joined with MacKillop College’s Year 9 CSYMA class on Monday in retreat, helping prepare our candidates for their Sacrament of First Reconciliation this week. We prayed, played some games, listened to Fr Paul reflect on the story of the Prodigal Son, and rotated around four activities, learning about forgiveness and God’s love. Thank you, Mrs Morris, the Year 9 CSYMA students and the Year 4 teachers for making this day so meaningful.
St Peter’s staff and students are ministering at 5.00pm mass on Sunday 6th April. All families are invited to come along to St Agnes' Church to join us in worship. Our choir will be singing, and our teachers and learning assistants will be helping with welcoming, reading and Children’s Liturgy of the Word. We hope to see you there!
The Year 6 mission fundraiser ‘Colours for Caritas’ is seeking donations of the following items:
- Bags of wrapped lollies
- Colourful hair spray
- Pre-loved books in good condition, suitable for ages 5-12.
- Nail polishes
- Hand-made jewellery (eg. loom bracelets, beaded necklaces) or beads/loom bands for our jewellery girls to make things out of
- Recycled material to make scrunchies
Donations to be placed in classroom boxes by 4th April.
The ability to read proficiently is fundamental to a student’s success at school and in later life. At St Peters, we are committed to ensuring that every child develops strong reading skills, equipping them with the tools they need for lifelong learning.
The Science of Reading
The science of reading is based on a body of research which has helped us understand how children learn to read, the challenges they may face and the best instructional strategies to support their development (Castles et al., 2018; Ehri, 2005, 2014; Moats, 2020).
The ‘Big 5’ (or 6!) of Reading
Decades of research highlight five essential sub-skills necessary for reading success, often referred to as the ‘5 Big Ideas’ or ‘5 Keys to Reading’ (Five from Five, 2020):
- Phonemic Awareness – The ability to identify and manipulate the individual sounds in words.
- Phonics – Understanding the relationships between letters and sounds and using them to decode words.
- Fluency – Reading accurately, quickly, and with expression to support comprehension.
- Vocabulary – Knowing the meanings of words and how to use them in context.
- Comprehension – Extracting and constructing meaning from text.
Recent research also highlights oral language (the ability to understand, use vocabulary, and construct sentences) as a foundational skill for reading, making it the ‘Big 6’.
Fluency in Focus - Our 2025 Reading Goal

At St Peters, our long-term goal is to have 90% of our students reading at a proficient level or above. For 2025, we are focusing on developing students’ reading fluency. Fluency is essential because it allows students to shift their focus from decoding words to understanding the text’s meaning.
As part of this initiative, our staff has been closely tracking students’ progress by mapping their 2024 DIBELS data against their recent 2025 assessment. Throughout the year, teachers will continue monitoring progress and recording it on our physical data wall. It has been startling to see the number of students whose reading results have declined over the holiday break, highlighting the importance of reading regularly.
How You Can Help at Home
Reading fluency improves with modelled instruction and practice! We encourage you to read with your children at home, focusing not on speed but on expression and engagement. Encourage them to read as if they have an audience, bringing stories to life, through using expression and tone.
Stay tuned for next week’s newsletter, where we’ll share practical reading tips to support your child’s learning journey.
All Photo Orders and Payment will be online this year.
Please see the 'Flyer' below for instructions on
Scan the code or visit the website...
Students MUST be in full School Uniform
Starting at 9.00am
The following grades and group photographs will be taken (subject to change)
Year 6 Leaders are to wear their badges
Students MUST be in full School Uniform
Kindergarten | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Kindergarten Group | Year 6 Group | School Captains | Sport Captains |
SRC | Polding - Sport | Band | Siblings - Lunch 1 & 2 |
Starting at 9.00am
The following grades will be taken (subject to change)
Students MUST be in full School Uniform
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Siblings - Lunch 1 & 2 |
Starting at 9.00am
Consent and payment (either in full or via payment plan)
is due by Friday 4 April 2025.
A payment plan of 10 fortnightly payments is offered to parents - The first payment is due on 4th April.
If your child will not be attending camp, please decline the event.
Please acknowledge your Compass Event and indicate if you would like to take up the payment plan, first payment due on 4th April, pay in full OR decline the event.
Expressions of interest have now CLOSED for our Eisteddfod Dance Program. 190 students have been enrolled in our Eisteddfod Dance Program.
A compass consent and payment has been sent out to families who registered their Expression of Interest this week. Consent and payment is due by Friday 4th April.
If the timetable does not suit your family commitments please DECLINE the event.
We are excited to announce that Liz Seiger from La Vive Studios will be our NEW Dance Eisteddfod teacher for 2025. Liz has worked in local schools previously on school dance concerts and dance eisteddfod groups. We look forward to our year ahead with Miss Liz.
Eisteddfod Dance begins Tuesday, Week 1, Term 2.
Please refer to the timetable before completing payment.
All Groups have been allocated a time
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8.00am to 8.45am Year 6 |
8.00am to 8.45am Year 5 |
8.00am to 8.45am Boys Group |
10.45am to 11.30am Year 1 |
10.45am to 11.30am Year 2 |
10.45am to 11.30am Year 3 |
10.45am to 11.30am Year 4 |
Dance Eisteddfod Coordinator
Mrs Olivia Gibb
The Lismore Diocese Winter Sports Trials for soccer will be held on Friday, April 4. All families have been notified of the changes.
We are awaiting a new date for the Lismore Diocese Winter Sports Trials for Rugby League. As soon as we know, we will send a notification to those families.
AFL Trials commenced yesterday and will continue each Tuesday and Thursday at 2nd lunch. We saw a great turnout, and it was wonderful to see our students trying something different. Students today learn how to handball and kick. Over the coming weeks, we will select 16 students for our St Peter’s AFL Team. This is a progressive event that commences in Port Macquarie and progresses to Coffs Harbour (Private Transport) and then Sydney (Private transport).
We have had several Gala Days entered into the school calendar.
AFL Gala Day - Years 5 & 6 | Thursday 15th May | Trials have commenced |
Netball All Schools - Years 5 & 6 | Tuesday 17th June | Trials will commence shortly |
NSW Basketball- Years 4-6 | Thursday 30th October | Trials will commence in Term 2 |
TERM 1 .... The Road Ahead
4th April | Dioceses Winter Sports Trials - Soccer |
9th April | Zone Winter Sports Trials - Rugby Union |
In addition to providing a wide variety of quality literature, the St Peter’s school library provides a comfortable haven where all students are welcome to enjoy some quiet time. In celebration of last week’s Harmony Week theme, “Everyone belongs”, please enjoy a short video of some students recently enjoying our library space during our morning and lunchtime library sessions.
2025 marks the 29th year of the Scholastic National Family Reading Month (NFRM) which encourages families to read together on a regular basis to create strong reading habits. Most of us know how important reading together is and its long-term value to our children’s success in school and life. However, we also know it is not always easy to put into practice with our busy schedules and increasing competition with screen time.
The NFRM 31-Day Challenge aims to create positive, long lasting reading habits and lifelong readers by inspiring families to read together for a minimum of 10 minutes each day throughout the month of May.
For families wishing to find out more about the NFRM and how to register for the 31-Day Challenge, please visit: National Family Reading Month
Families that register before the end of March will go in the running to win 1 of 50 free book packs valued at $150!
Exclusive St Peter’s Bonus Reward:
As an added bonus, students of St Peter’s families that complete the NFRM 31-Day Challenge throughout May will receive an exclusive reward. To claim your reward, please submit your completed reading log (including a parent/carer signature) to Mrs Ayres at the school library following the end of the challenge, between the 2nd to 6th June.
Copies of reading logs will be available for students to collect from the library or can be printed out using the following links (either of the two reading logs will be accepted):
Read Every Day? Read More in May! Take the 31 Day Challenge
Our St Peter’s School Library has a number of books available for parents/carers to borrow, covering a variety of topics. A selection of these titles are displayed near our school entrance during our “Parent Cuppa and Chat” events that are held every Tuesday morning before school. Our complete parent library collection can be viewed via the following link: Parent Library Titles
If you would like to borrow any of these titles, please make arrangements with a staff member at the “Parent Cuppa and Chat” events or alternatively contact Mrs Amanda Ayres via
As part of Youth Week celebrations, the Port Macquarie Library will be holding their annual Cosplay Parade on Sunday 13th April (12noon-3pm) where attendees are invited to dress as their favourite pop culture character for a chance to win some great prizes.
Manga fans will also have an opportunity to showcase their artwork and win some prizes, as part of the “Manga Mania Art Exhibition” that will also be on display during the Cosplay event. The event also includes face painting, cartooning, papercrafts, a sausage sizzle and more.
For more information about this event and how to register for the parade and/or submit an artwork entry, please view the attached flyers:
Our PBS focus for Week 8 and 9 is Being Safe. In our classrooms students are engaging in refreshers on what it means to be safe in our school.
To keep ourselves and others safe, we:
- Keep our hands and feet to ourselves- in all areas of the school.
- Have self control- this might include using our Zones toolbox if we are in the Yellow Zone.
- Own our behaviour- we understand that it’s ok to make mistakes, we just need to be honest and own our behaviour.
- Are in the right place at the right time- Making sure we are at our classrooms on time and staying away from out of bounds areas.
- Use equipment as it is designed- this could be sports equipment, scissors, IT equipment or anything else we use within the school.
We always appreciate when families are able to follow up on our key PBS messages at home. Perhaps you can speak to your child about what it means to be safe at school and why this value is so important.
Teachers are on the lookout for students who are consistently demonstrating safe behaviours for our Week 8 and 9 PBS awards!
Sharni Geary
Leader of PBS
Today, our Year 3 students were fortunate in experiencing an excursion to St Thomas’ Church, The Port Macquarie Historic Museum and Port Macquarie Historic Courthouse. We had many compliments on the manners and respect our students displayed at each of these venues. All of the teachers were very impressed with the students’ enthusiasm, participation and behaviour during our visits. Our visit to the Historic Courthouse provided an opportunity for students to role play a mock trial from the 1800’s. Our students wholeheartedly engaged with their roles. We are very grateful to all venues for their time and support in helping our students gain a clearer understanding of Port Macquarie’s history.
Here are a few comments from the students:
My favourite part of our excursion was the Courthouse because the play was really fun, and really interesting. I loved dressing up! Maya W - 3 Green |
My favourite part of our history excursion was going up the big stairs all the way to the top of St Thomas’ Church. It was scary and exciting! Hudson W - 3 Green |
The Historic Museum was really cool, because we got to rewind time and see what everything was like back in the day. I really like the sewing machine because you can see all the parts inside it! Aiya P - 3 Green |
One of my favourite bits of the excursion was when we went to the Courthouse and we did a play. We got to see how the Courtroom worked, and how people were found innocent or guilty. Ash H - 3 Green |
My favourite part of the excursion was the Museum, I saw a convict that was being punished with the cat of nine tails. Benny T - 3 Red |
My favourite part of the excursion was the Historic Museum because it had lots of fascinating artifacts that were from the olden days. I love the excursion and hope we can go again. Alex P - 3 Red |
My favourite part about the Historic excursion was doing the I spy and looking at all the guns. I also loved going to the Court House and dressing up in the old clothes. Jaxon B - 3 Red |
My favourite part of the excursion was when we acted out a play, also when we visited the Court House. Rosie T - 3 Blue |
My favourite part of the excursion was when we went to the Historic Museum and learnt about the artifacts. Imogen P - 3 Blue |
Canteen Roster
- Volunteer Working With Children Check required
- Please sign into Who's On Location (St Peter's sign in) at the front school office.
Canteen Roster - Week 9 Term 1
Monday | Rob Hodgson |
Tuesday | Jodie Brindle |
Wednesday | Louise Hay and Maddie Thompson |
Thursday | Wendy Sheppard, Lucy Harpham and Pat Shirt |
Friday | Belinda Johnson, Kristy Thomas, Chrissie Abel and Jodie Brindle |
Term 1 Calendar Dates
Week 9, Term 1:
Monday 31st March
Tuesday 1st April |
Wednesday 2nd April |
Infants (K,1,2) - 5.00pm to 6.00pm Primary (3,4,5,6) - 6.15pm to 7.30pm Parent Community Group at the same time in the Staffroom
Thursday 3rd April |
Friday 4th April |
Sunday 6th April |
Future Dates/Events @ St Peter's
Week 10, Term 1
Monday 7th April | |
Tuesday 8th April |
Wednesday 9th April |
Thursday 10th April |
Friday 11th April |
Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation Centre - Narrabeen
Monday 1st December to Friday 5th December 2025
Compass Consent and a Payment Plan or Full Payment options
has been sent to families
First Payment Plan payment is due on 4th April
Please decline the event if your child is NOT attending
The Great Aussie Bush Camp
Tea Gardens
Wednesday 3rd December to Friday 5th December
Staff Spirituality Day - Friday 11th April - Pupil Free - Staff off Site
Professional Learning Day - Monday 28th April
Kings Birthday Long Weekend - Monday 9th June
Professional Learning Day - Friday 25th July
Professional Learning Day - Monday 13th October
Last Day for Students - Tuesday 16th December
Staff Development Day - Wednesday 17th December - Pupil Free
Kindergarten Red | Kindergarten Blue | Kindergarten Green |
Jones Howard Alice Ross Hannah Smallwood |
Harriette Gregory Elliot Kennedy Archer Fotheringham Henry Pursell |
Scarlett Farnsworth Lillian Davis Edith Anderson Willow Hinshelwood |
Year 1 Red | Year 1 Blue | Year 1 Green |
Ari Claes Oliver Grasso Ava King |
Taylar Bowley Theodore Burgmann Emiee Fox |
Vinnie Humphrey Adam Rourke Aloshy Rony |
Year 2 Red | Year 2 Blue | Year 2 Green |
Matthew Blackman Bonnie Geary Theodore Howe Maddi Munday |
Christopher Costello |
Paityn Wrigley John Shiplee Lexi Hearle |
Year 3 Red | Year 3 Blue | Year 3 Green |
Patrick Ebbs Eva Kearns Helga Bijoy |
Athena Goldie Cooper Head Sage Leonard |
Maya Johansson Jack George Patrick McAllister |
Year 4 Red | Year 4 Blue | Year 4 Green |
William Hay Chelsea Simpson Patrick Duffy |
Lucy Dwyer Luka Williams Lydia Costello |
Oliver Cowan Ella Hiles Stone Evelyn Worthington |
Year 5 Red | Year 5 Blue | Year 5 Green |
Oliva Jones Ava Halverson + Indigeonous Award James Millwarde Zara Baldock |
Amelia Flood Anna Spence Matilda Mason |
Noah Forbes Annabelle Gregory Matilda Spry |
Year 6 Red | Year 6 Blue | Year 6 Green |
Lilly Anderson Jaxon Ingram Indi McCudden Harper Rowlatt |
Lachlan Banham Liam Hofman Charlotte Wilkins |
Violet Temoso Sebastian Causley Toby Dwyer |
Structured Play Timetable - Term 1
For more information on our Structured Play Time Table at lunch breaks
Please click the link....
Kinder 2026 enrolments are open - please click on the link to complete your online application